Champions Gate

Jeff & Chris of Champions Gate

Champions Gate

My husband and I went out to watch some local talent here on the Gulfcoast of Mississippi. I had sent a message to the group Champions Gate and asked them if it was ok that I captured some photos of them while we were there at their debut performance and much to my surprise and gratefulness, they said they would be love it. 

I was so excited to say the least as I love to capture all the beauty around me whether that be the beauty of the wildlife, families, cars and of course the local music talent all around the Gulfcoast of Mississippi and beyond. I have a passion for capturing all of the beauty that God has created and I am so thankful to share it with each and everyone around the world. So, thank you for reading my blog and being a supporter, it is truly appreciated.

So stay tuned y’all for my next up and coming adventure.

Blessed and Grateful

